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Learn and study languages on line : LANGUAGES DIRECTORY

You will find in this directory free websites and courses to learn and study languages. This space is dedicated to teachers and students who search for ressources to teach or learn languages. You yourself can add ressources by simply clicking on "Submit" at any time. We do suggest that you sign up in the "member zone" so that you can keep control on your favorites. You can contact us if you do not find the desired category  or if you want to create a new one.

Home > French courses > Games

  Free snackes and ladders

Free snackes and ladders Free audio games to learn French based on dialogues and vocabulary | Details | hits : 147 |

  Learn French through games

Learn French through games

Games to download and print to learn French.

Great for French language teachers but also for students learning French second language. Free materials and ressources for French teachers as well as beautiful family board games for sale. Worth taking a look at! | Details | hits : 307 |

  Free French games online

Free French games online

You must help Mother Goose to go home. Therefore, you need to answer different questions about French language. Select your level and the topic you wish to play with... | Details | hits : 55 |