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Learn and study languages on line : LANGUAGES DIRECTORY

You will find in this directory free websites and courses to learn and study languages. This space is dedicated to teachers and students who search for ressources to teach or learn languages. You yourself can add ressources by simply clicking on "Submit" at any time. We do suggest that you sign up in the "member zone" so that you can keep control on your favorites. You can contact us if you do not find the desired category  or if you want to create a new one.

7 Website(s) associated to this tag :


  1000 images on the tip of my tongue

1000 images on the tip of my tongue The site 1000 images on the tip of my tongue is interactive, and focuses on idiomatic expressions that have the same meaning in French, English and Spanish, but cannot be translated word for word*. This trilingual directory provides more than 1,000 idiomatic phrases classified according to theme. Each one is inserted into a short text that illustrates its meaning and contains a digital audio file. Listening to the file allows us to fully understand all the various shades in the pronunciation. The site also includes exercises and games as well as brief, humorous animations, which contribute to the discovery of the fascinating world of colourful expressions. | Details | hits : 436 |

  PSP's Bi-Directional English Japanese Dictionary

PSP's Bi-Directional English Japanese Dictionary

To use the dictionary, simply type in the word you would like to find in the box above and press the Search button. To find a Japanese definition of an English word, type in the English word. To look up a Japanese word, you must type in kana or kanji to find the definition. The dictionary is not designed to accept romanized Japanese input. You can also use wildcards ( * ) in your search. | Details | hits : 43 |

  Online business French dictionary

Online business French dictionary Didier publishers have an online dictioinary for Business French of soe 3200 items. Type the word in English and get a list of equivalent expressions using that word in French. | Details | hits : 53 |

  Online English-Japanese-English dictionary

Online English-Japanese-English dictionary

Type in an English word and get the translations. Interesting to note that Japanese homophones are linked to a page which compares words with the same reading but different characters. Simple and easy to use. | Details | hits : 22 |

  Denshi Jisho Electronic Dictionary

Denshi Jisho Electronic Dictionary Denshi Jisho is an easy-to-use and powerful online Japanese dictionary. It lets you find words, kanji and example sentences by searching in many ways.
The dictionaries are also interlinked so that you can check what the kanji in a word mean individually or what context a word can be used in. You can also look up kanji by the parts it contain.
The data is publicly available and comes from the excellent WWWJDIC project. | Details | hits : 43 |

  Japanese Language Reading Tutorial System

Japanese Language Reading Tutorial System The Reading Tutor was designed to help JFL/JSL learners improve their reading skills in Japanese. This system was developed specifically to help learners study written Japanese at their own pace, in their own way. | Details | hits : 15 |

  Learn Chinese Characters

Learn Chinese Characters If you are learning Chinese characters, you will find this Visual Dictionary very entertaining. Over 6000 characters are nicely ordered (by frequency of use) in a beautiful interface, you can easily navigate through and hear the sound of each character and even see the English translation… This is also a great tool to gauge how many Chinese characters you actually know. | Details | hits : 16 |