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Learn and study languages on line : LANGUAGES DIRECTORY

You will find in this directory free websites and courses to learn and study languages. This space is dedicated to teachers and students who search for ressources to teach or learn languages. You yourself can add ressources by simply clicking on "Submit" at any time. We do suggest that you sign up in the "member zone" so that you can keep control on your favorites. You can contact us if you do not find the desired category  or if you want to create a new one.

1 Website(s) associated to this tag :


  FILIPÉ - Preparing International students for Engineering studies in France!

FILIPÉ - Preparing International students for Engineering studies in France! FILIPE allows non-French speaking international students to: * improve their oral comprehension of scientific French * discover the peculiarities of the French way of teaching * enhance their awareness of intercultural issues | Details | hits : 23 |